The first Czech course of the Institute of the Schoenstatt Families ended his eternal-Terziat on the birthday of Father Kentenich (18 November 2006) in Schönstatt. The past 12 years have been a time of preparation and integration into the spirituality of the community. This time was a great gift for the families. The children could always experience a community of believing people, and this is not self-evident in the Czech Republic.


The community in faith is a great help for all the families of the course in everyday life. The pilgrimage to Schönstatt from 17th to 19th November 06 was also a journey into the history and the roots of the community. There were encounters with people who had accompanied the Czech families for many years. The course expressed its gratitude for all the support in the past years. To Sister Anna, Father Mosbach, Father Boll, family Körner and family Beck. Together with Father Mosbach and Father Boll, they celebrated Holy Mass in the worship church on Saturday. In the afternoon, the course visited Father Kentenich’s home in the school. In the evening, Father Boll told of his encounters with his father and founder. With a simple celebration the Terziat ended at the Gründergrab in the worship church. Some of the institute’s families, including the Neiser family, were able to participate in the celebration. By Sister Anna, who had accompanied the course in the Novitiate, each family received a candle in the shape of a heart. The candles were lit by the Hampl family (1st course) and handed over to the families. On Sunday, the families returned home with a strengthened awareness of the mission of Father Kentenich for the development of their country in everyday life and to continue to be a „source of living water“. (B. Neiser, according to a report by the Jitka family and Tonda Crha)


CELAM – „How nice that we have a couple among us“

The Jensen family from Chile is currently taking part in the Latin American Bishops‘ Conference in Aparecida as a representative of the Schoenstatt Movement. Here is a photo of the conference room, where they sit next to representatives of other movements. In the first days the movements briefly presented their contribution to the conference. Jensen had the opportunity to participate in various services as lecturers. It was probably obvious that they were a couple, and that caused some attention. The response from many participants was, „How nice that we have a couple with us.“ As the Jensen family reports, there is no sense in the press of the spirit that prevails among the participants. The free Sundays will use family Jensen to visit some families of the institute. On May 27, Pentecostal Day, is the birthday of Luis Jensen. We would like to continue your prayers.